Fat Nerd Revisited

I wrote a blog entry titled Fat Nerd almost exactly 4 years ago. I was down 30 pounds from a high of about 290. I had participated in a 5k. And I had injured myself. It was angry, profanity laden, desperate, and obsessed with identity stuff about nerds and jocks. I’ve learned a lot since then. That was one of the false starts. I gained all that weight back not long after writing that post. And then I tried again, ignoring diet and going it alone on nothing but strength training. Until I went too heavy with bad form, injured my knee, and could barely walk for a month. That was another false start. Now, I’m just over a year into what I think was the correct start. I’m still a Fat Nerd, but unlike then, I’m not hungry, I’m not angry or desperate. I’m down 45 pounds from that same high (so 15 more than when I wrote that post 4 years ago), my 5k time is down almost 10 minutes from the 5k PR in that post. I see a personal trainer once or twice a week and I run between half a mile and a mile almost every day at between a 10 and a 12 minute pace. The Fat Nerd of 2020 could run half a mile at a 15 minute pace, and injured himself doing that. Here are some things I’ve learned, in case it helps someone else. I’m still on my journey, and I may learn a lot more, so take it all with a grain of salt. … (Read More)

Agile Fundamentalism

Before the word “fundamentalism” became derogatory, it referring to a movement in American Protestantism that insisted upon a return to 5-10 ‘fundamental’ doctrines of Christianity (the number varies as the movement evolved). The idea was that there were a small number of relatively simple to understand and essential doctrines to Christianity and if you found yourself building an elaborate theological or philosophical scheme that reached contrary conclusions, then this was a sign that you had gone wrong some where. You needed to return to the fundamentals and start over. Hence the name “fundamentalist.” Emphasizing the role of fundamentals as an error checking mechanism. The way this became derogatory was that one of those fundamentals was the total inerrancy of all parts of the Bible, and this quickly came to mean that any natural science that concluded the Earth was substantially more than a 5-10 thousand years old had to be wrong. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately in the context of Agile processes in development. … (Read More)

The Political Philosophy of Dungeons And Dragons

What is the first rule of being a Dungeon Master who wants to enjoy a long campaign of Dungeons and Dragons with his friends? Maybe, “know the rules.” Maybe, “it’s about the players, not about you.” Not bad candidates. But there is another: Do not allow evil characters. Do not allow one evil character. Do not allow an entire party of evil characters. Why does every DM know this rule? … (Read More)

Luke 4:1

They stood alone in the deserts of West Texas, some of the cheapest, least useful, barren land in the continental United States not used for atomic testing. “We’ve expanded into China. We had to jump through some legal hoops. Technically, ‘we’ are a subsidiary that we own in joint partnership with someone’s nephew’s wife’s uncle. But, they won’t block our IPs anymore.” … (Read More)

I am now 41

I am now 41. This somehow feels more significant than the 40-year threshold. I know enough to avoid the fallacy of round numbers. … (Read More)

Christmas Spring

It is Christmas Eve, and it’s not even noon. I’m sitting outside without a jacket, wearing a t-shirt. Welcome to Texas! We have a dozen little springs scattered throughout the winter. We associate Christmas with snow, but isn’t spring weather a better symbol of Christmas? We were in the winter of our sins, but here today a baby is born, ‘tis Christ the Lord. And here, in mid-winter, is a little burst of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit descends, we take off all our armor against cold and sin and death, and we have coffee on the front porch. … (Read More)

The Spelling Bee

I live at the corner of Gibson and Parrish. “Parrish,” with an extra R that makes me wonder if there is some word I don’t know or if I really live next to an elementary school and at the corner of a misspelling. I’d call it a typo, but it’s not a slip of the finger. Or, if it is, it’s a slip of some secretary’s finger, recorded in the city records and in my street name forever. … (Read More)

Secular Christmas

Christmas is almost here. Decorating the tree is a study in human nature. I never want to go through the trouble. But, then I begin and it proceeds happily, and it is done. We turn on the tree lights, we turn off the house lights, and then there is peace. … (Read More)

A Thanksgiving Post

I began to write this in my notebook with the line “When I was young, every variation from linear progressive time was a nuisance.” And as soon as I wrote it, I realized it wasn’t true. To be young is to live an entire life in the grooves of cyclic time. Life is summers at Benbrook Lake, Thanksgiving, Christmas. The annual trip up to Dalhart which smells of horses. Cartoons on Saturday morning. The funny pages on Sunday afternoon. The favorite TV show Friday at 4. … (Read More)

Interviewing Programmers

We have discovered why it is actually so difficult to interview programmers. We want to know if they’ve acquired the thousand and one little lessons that add up to being good at this. And those lessons mostly consist of a sense for a good design versus a bad one, identifying the correct abstraction and the right data structure, and knowing when they have chosen poorly and how to fix it. … (Read More)

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